SpeedyAudit LiteLearn the Basics :: SpeedyAudit AuditorsNEW :: How to view and delete the data that you collected on your mobile device

NEW :: How to view and delete the data that you collected on your mobile device

*This article is relevant to SpeedyAudit Lite, PRO, LTC, and PRO-DEMO users*


After you have collected your audits, you are able to view a summary session of your data before you send it over (to your email or to the web portal). Prior to sending this data, you also have the option to delete your data. Once this data has been sent, you will not longer be able to view or delete them from your audit collection tool (SpeedyAudit App).


This article will show you:

  • How to view session data
  • How to delete session data



  • You can only view or delete unsent data
  • Deleting data is permanent


Getting started

From the 'Main Menu'. Go to MY DATA.

1. How to view session data

1.1. To view your session data tap on the audit session

The image below shows a SpeedyAudit Lite interface. Your interface will look slightly differently if you are a SpeedyAudit LTC or PRO user.

To view your session data tap on the audit session

1.2. The Session Details will open up and you can view the when and where the audit was collected, number of indications complied and missed, and opportunity description

The opportunities are organized in chronological order, displaying the newest opportunity at the top.



  • scroll down to view more opportunities if your observation session contains multiple opportunities
The Session Details will open up and you can view the when and where the audit was collected, number of indications complied and missed, and opportunity description

1.3. To return to 'My Data' tap on the white arrow located at the top left corner

To return to 'My Data' tap on the white arrow located at the top left corner

2. How to delete data

2.1. Left swipe on the audit session you would like to delete.

The images below show SpeedyAudit Lite.

Left swipe on the audit session you would like to delete.

2.2. The delete button will appear. Tap on the red DELETE button

The delete button will appear. Tap on the red DELETE button

2.3. A confirmation notification will appear. Please tap YES to delete the audit session.

A confirmation notification will appear. Please tap YES to delete the audit session.

2.4. The audit data will be removed from your audit session list under 'My Data'

The audit data will be removed from your audit session list under 'My Data'