How to view reports on your Mobile Device
*This article is relevant to SpeedyAudit Lite, SpeedyAudit PRO, SpeedyAudit LTC and SpeedyAudit PRO-DEMO users*
Mobile reports are interactive bar representations of your data that can be accessed on your SpeedyAudit mobile app.
In the SpeedyAudit Mobile app, each auditor can view reports of their data. In addition - during an audit session - auditors can view a report of their current session. This can be useful for on the spot education and feedback.
Note: More comprehensive reports are found in the Web Portal, and these reports are for SpeedyAudit PRO, SpeedyAudit LTC and SpeedyAudit PRO-DEMO.
This article will show you
- How to view mobile reports of your data
- How to view in-session reports (that is, a report of the current auditing session for on the spot education and feedback)
Getting Started
Grab your mobile device and open the SpeedyAudit app.
1. How to view mobile reports of all your data collected on your device
1.1. In the Main Menu, tap on the REPORT button

1.2. You will then be taken to the Reports page
The report page is interactive.
- You can tap on each of the bars to find out more information
You can filter the report by:
- Location, or
- Profession
Tap on MISSED or COMPLIED to only display missed or complied opportunities.

1.3. To change the settings for the reports tap on the WRENCH AND HAMMER BUTTON located at the top-right corner.
Any change you make updates automatically.
- You can either view Reports of your data collected during the last 30 days (default option), or during the last 7 days.

2. How to view in-session reports
In-session reports allow you to view a report from the current auditing session for on the spot education and feedback.
2.1. While you are auditing a session, you will notice that a BAR GRAPH ICON appears on the top-right hand corner of your screen. You can tap on that icon to view a report of the current session you are in. You will be able to filter by profession. The report will only show you data for the session you are currently auditing.

3. In order to return to your session, select the BACK button at the top-left hand corner.