SpeedyAudit LiteGetting Started :: SpeedyAudit AuditorsHow to audit using the Single Interface for In / Out auditing

How to audit using the Single Interface for In / Out auditing

*This article is relevant to SpeedyAudit Lite, SpeedyAudit PRO, SpeedyAudit LTC and SpeedyAudit PRO-DEMO users using  IN / OUT auditing for hand hygiene*



SpeedyAudit comes with 2 interfaces: the Single Interface and the Multiple Interface.


By default, SpeedyAudit is set to the Single Interface. For one audit session, the Single Interface allows you to audit:

  • One location
  • One opportunity per profession at time
  • One or more profession(s) per audit (observation) session
  • Hand Hygiene AND/OR Additional Precautions and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
  • Notes (optional)


This article will show you

  1. How to get started with the single interface
  2. How to audit hand hygiene using the single interface
  3. How to audit additional precautions and personal protective equipment using the single interface
  4. How to add notes to your audit using the single interface
  5. How to end the opportunity vs how to end the audit session
  6. How to view in-session reports for on-the-spot feedback


Getting Started

Grab your mobile device and go to the SpeedyAudit MAIN MENU.

1. How to get started with the Single Interface

1.1. Start the auditing session by tapping on NEW SESSION

Start the auditing session by tapping on NEW SESSION

1.2. Select the LOCATION where you are performing the audit


  • For SpeedyAudit PRO and SpeedyAudit LTC users locations and professions are managed by your organization's SpeedyAudit Champion.
Select the LOCATION where you are performing the audit

1.3. Select the HEALTHCARE PROVIDER TYPE you are auditing


  • Scroll up / down to view more professions!
Select the HEALTHCARE PROVIDER TYPE you are auditing

After selecting the profession, you are then taken to the Opportunities page, where you audit one opportunity at a time

2. How to audit hand hygiene using the single interface


  • You can audit Hand Hygiene AND / OR Additional Precautions and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

2.1. For each opportunity: (1) indicate the moment(s) for hand hygiene, and (2) tap on the hand hygiene action (WASH/RUB) or the missed action (MISSED)


  • If you are only auditing hand hygiene data, you can end the opportunity by tapping on the ARROW at the top right corner.
For each opportunity: (1) indicate the moment(s) for hand hygiene, and (2) tap on the hand hygiene action (WASH/RUB) or the missed action (MISSED)


Timing is the duration of hand hygiene performed by the healthcare provider when hand hygiene occurs. When the hand hygiene action starts, tap on RUB or WASH, accordingly. This starts the timer. When the healthcare provider stops the hand hygiene action, tap on 'END WASH' or 'END RUB'. The time is recorded in seconds.


3. How to audit additional precautions and personal protective equipment using the single interface


  • Audit Hand Hygiene AND/OR Additional Precautions and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

3.1. At the bottom bar of your auditing screen, you will see an ADDITIONAL PRECAUTIONS tab. Tap it

At the bottom bar of your auditing screen, you will see an ADDITIONAL PRECAUTIONS tab. Tap it

3.2. Indicate if any Additional Precautions are in place. 1st tap selects the button, 2nd tap clears the selection

Indicate if any Additional Precautions are in place. 1st tap selects the button, 2nd tap clears the selection

3.3. Indicate compliance with PPE. 1st tap PPE = complied, 2nd tap PPE = missed, and 3rd tap clears the selection

Indicate compliance with PPE. 1st tap PPE = complied, 2nd tap PPE = missed, and 3rd tap clears the selection


  • If you are just auditing Additional Precautions and PPE, you may end the opportunity by clicking on the ARROW at the top right corner.

4. How to add notes to your audit using the single interface

4.1. At the bottom bar of your auditing screen, you will see a NOTES tab. Tap it

At the bottom bar of your auditing screen, you will see a NOTES tab. Tap it

4.2. Mark jewellery: 1st tap selects it, and 2nd tap clears it.

Mark jewellery: 1st tap selects it, and 2nd tap clears it.

4.3. Enter additional written notes

Enter additional written notes

5. How to end the opportunity vs ending the audit session

The Single audit interface allows you to audit one or more HCPs, one opportunity at a time.

5.1. End each opportunity by tapping on the ARROW at the top right corner

After you end the opportunity you will see a SAVED popup. You can now proceed to audit another opportunity or end the session.

End each opportunity by tapping on the ARROW at the top right corner

5.2. End the audit session by tapping on the END SESSION button at the top left corner

End the audit session by tapping on the END SESSION button at the top left corner

6. How to view in-session reports for on-the-spot feedback

To view In-Session Reports, tap on the REPORTS icon located at the top right corner when you are in the professions page.

To return to the current audit tap on the BACK ARROW button.

How to view in-session reports for on-the-spot feedback